Pitching U.S. liberal arts in China

There is, in American higher education, a rush to recruit students from China, which has tripled the number of students it has sent to U.S. institutions in the past three years, says Carey Thompson, vice president of enrollment and communications at Rhodes College in Memphis, which enrolls 45 Chinese students out of a student population of 1,800, for the Washington Post. Selling Chinese families on the value of a college education in the United States is complicated for our national, private liberal arts colleges. On the one hand, American higher education is still perceived in China as the gold standard. On the other hand, Chinese universities are more akin to American research universities, and thus Chinese people often equate quality with size. Recently, I joined colleagues from 13 other top liberal arts colleges on a recruiting trip to China. We were the first group allowed into some of the best public schools in Beijing, which in China are equivalent in quality to the best private schools here…

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