Lawmakers take steps to protect drone economies and universities involved

The introduction of legislation Wednesday to ban drone use in Kansas has raised concerns over the potential impact of a ban on the state’s economy, a subject that has been debated in several other Plains states also considering such bans, the Huffington Post reports. The Kansas drone ban bill, introduced by Rep. Travis Couture-Lovelady (R-Palco), would prohibit law enforcement from using drones in the state without a warrant, which is similar to measures pending in a several other states. The bill’s scope has raised concerns that it could end the drone pilot training program at Kansas State University in Salina as well as other drone training and manufacturing industries in the state. Similar bills pending in North Dakota and Oklahoma — where aerospace industries and aviation education programs have thrived — have incorporated exemptions into the text. Kansas and North Dakota are among the states competing to be one of six federal test centers for drones…

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