Flatiron School pulls in $5.5M to train the next generation of coders

Hacker bootcamps are hot, VentureBeat reports.

The unaccredited institutions may have raised the ire of California’s regulators, but it’s been smooth sailing for learn-to-code programs here on the East Coast. That group includes New York City’s Flatiron School, which today announced $5.5 million in new funding to propel coding newbies into programming jobs.

Flatiron intends to use the funds to create “the best vocational school in New York,” investing heavily in teacher training and experimenting with different course models. The school focuses on the fundamentals — the language, not the frameworks — said Flatiron Dean Avi Flombaum.

“We believe that the best way to learn how to use something is to learn how that thing is built, so rather then teach Ruby on Rails right away, we focus on Ruby and move up levels of abstraction until our students have built all the components of Rails,” Flombaum told VentureBeat.

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