KeyLemon and Swissteach demo facial recognition system for student verification

KeyLemon has announced a new partnership with Swisstech AG to introduce facial recognition to Swissteach’s Global Teach online learning management system.

According to the company, the Swissteach/KeyLemon system, which has so far been set up as a demo, supplements legacy username and password logins to guard access to sensitive information using 20 points of facial data. The system also features a one-way verification process that prevents face reconstruction using biometric models.  With the new system, student identities can be checked periodically without any particular interaction from students.

Currently, Swissteach uses hybrid fingerprint-based access control in the production version of its Global Teach learning management system. According to Swissteach, the KeyLemon facial recognition solution shows potential to advance the way users login and interact with learning systems.

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