Purdue, IU churning out more patents, startups

Fort Collins, Provo, Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill are household names in tech circles — cities known for birthing startup companies with well-paying jobs.

Each has key elements for entrepreneurship — existing high-tech business, venture capital, incubators.

Each city also boasts perhaps the greatest element of all: major research universities that churn out dozens, if not hundreds, of patents every year for the new enterprises to license.

West Lafayette and Bloomington are seldom mentioned in the same breath as the major tech havens, but that could begin to change if Purdue and Indiana universities stay on current trajectories, the Indianapolis Business Journal reports.

Unbelievable as it would have sounded even a few years ago, Purdue and IU now both produce more startup companies annually than most of the schools at the heart of the famed entrepreneurial hubs in Colorado, Utah and North Carolina.

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