The flipped mentality

Classroom flipping involves significantly more than merely recording and posting instructional videos online, Spin Education says. For starters, this developing approach involves giving students more control over their learning, while allowing teachers more time and freedom to offer quality instruction.

The best, most enterprising flipped champions do so much more. They don’t pay lip service to wanting change. They use evolving technologies to promote self-directed learning. They actively encourage self-reliance over conformity, perseverance over idleness, and care over apathy.

Few defend this stance better than Jason Bretzmann, who recently compiled entries for Flipping 2.0: Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Class. “[Flipping 2.0] is normally characterized by focusing on higher-level thinking as a goal, creating a more student-centered classroom, and determining the best use of face-to-face time with students,” he writes.

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