Guess what Michelle Rhee charged a school to speak

How much money do you think Michelle Rhee, former Washington D.C. schools superintendent who now runs an organization called StudentsFirst, charged a regional 11,000-student campus in the Kent State University public system to speak about school reform? Asks the Washington Post. Did you guess a few thousand dollars? Wrong. Ten thousand? Wrong. Twenty? In these tough economic times, when education budgets are being slashed, Rhee signed a contract (see below) with Kent State University at Stark to be paid $35,000 to speak to about 600 people, plus expenses of not more than $5,000 that the school was to provide, including: first-class airfare, a VIP hotel suite, meals and “all reasonable incidentals,” town car and driver for ride from Rhee’s home to the airport, airport to the hotel, hotel to the engagement “or any combination thereof.”

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