This institution uses a nudge to help students achieve graduation success.

vFairs Offers Immersive Virtual Graduations to Schools and Colleges

Graduation season is rapidly approaching, and continued restrictions against social gatherings to combat the coronavirus are still in effect in much of the country. vFairs, the leading platform for hybrid and virtual events, is offering immersive, customizable virtual graduation ceremonies to schools, colleges and universities, including features such as creating a virtual campus setting and 3D modeling to make the experience truly memorable.

According to a March 2020 poll by Educause Review, 49% of colleges and universities elected to postpone their 2020 commencement ceremonies, 14% opted to cancel commencement altogether and 14% planned a virtual ceremony. Rather than hosting a live webinar or virtual conference call, vFairs makes it possible for schools to create a virtual graduation ceremony in a virtual world.

vFairs can create customized three-dimensional models of a campus, stadium or auditorium modeled after the school. For example, the vFairs platform can create virtual environments replicating your community college campus to hosting a ceremony on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The platform also can create virtual avatars of graduating students dressed in caps and gowns. The result is an immersive virtual experience that students, parents and faculty will remember.

In addition to creating a virtual graduation ceremony environment, vFairs also offers additional features to engage participants. The system can present a virtual yearbook that students can browse, as well as trivia challenges, scavenger hunts and more. They also can share their memories on social media walls.

To manage access to the graduation, administrators can input student IDs for graduating students and limit access to registered students, family and friends. They also can host an open graduation if desired.

“In response to the ongoing pandemic, many schools are planning early virtual graduations this year,” said Muhammad Younas, CEO of vFairs. “Even though they can’t attend a physical ceremony there’s no reason students should feel left out of their graduation. Our virtual environments are designed to make you feel as though you are actually there and leave a lasting impression on graduates and their families.”

Virtual graduation ceremonies are one of several immersive conference experiences that vFairs offers that are specifically designed for schools and colleges. Other services include Virtual Open Day to share information about the campus, programs, faculty and admissions; Alumni Networking Events that allow students to meet with alumni and faculty from anywhere with the world; and Virtual Job Fairs that connect students and alumni with prospective employers in a virtual setting that accelerates hiring.

The vFairs platform can be used to create a virtual environment for any group event or networking event, such as a guest lecture series, a stage performance, team-building exercises and more. From concept to completion, it typically takes about 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the event’s requirements, to design and host an event.

About vFairs
vFairs strives to deliver top-class virtual events for all audiences, with an intuitive platform that recreates physical events through an immersive online experience. With a range of powerful features and dedicated support for users around the world, vFairs removes the hassle from organizing, exhibiting at, and attending events such as conferences, trade shows, and career fairs.
Contact the vFairs team to learn more or request a demo to see a virtual event in action or visit