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August 29, 2017
Good morning, !*firstname*!–check out these top stories online!
The 1 thing higher ed should really invest in to reach millennials and gen Z
millennials gen z features

There is a basic truth about the millennial generation that most technology companies and higher education institutions don’t like to hear: they don’t care that much about features. To succeed with millennials on the market and in the classroom, technology must deliver simple connectivity. Period.

Report: Higher ed leaders reflect on the next 20 years of education technology
higher ed tech blackboard

Blackboard Inc., an education technology company for teaching, learning and student engagement, released a new white paper exploring the future of higher education. Based on in-depth interviews with 13 American higher education thought leaders, the white paper “Future Forward: The Next Twenty Years of Higher Education” is being released in…

Educators are hyped up about these two new technologies

A new survey reveals that an overwhelmingly large amount of educators--89 percent, to be exact--said they found value in ed tech such as augmented reality and virtual reality. Thirty-one percent of those respondents said the technologies will change teaching and learning in the classroom as we know it. The report,…

Is this the new class every freshman should take?

Whether a recent graduate plans to study 18th Century English literature in college or jump right into the workforce in any number of jobs, I have a one-word suggestion for them: Data.

Report: Faculty want more OER-here’s why

Community college faculty show high levels of interest and engagement in OER and are likely to promote OER use to colleagues, according to preliminary results from a national effort to expand community college degree programs. The study, Launching OER Degree Pathways: An Early Snapshot of Achieving the Dream's OER Degree…

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