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February 05, 2018
Good morning, !*firstname*!–check out these top stories online!
Students and IT pros weigh in on cybersecurity

Across the country, colleges and universities are on high alert to protect against cyberattacks. From WannaCry to Petya, the recent proliferation of ransomware, malware, and distributed denial of service attacks are cause for concern, thanks to institutions’ open environments and rich stores of personally identifiable information. According to Gemalto, education-data…



4 reasons why student success is misdefined in higher ed and how data can fix it
student success

What is student success? Let’s start with the most fundamental definition: completing and receiving a degree. For decades, national completion rates have hovered around 20-30 percent in three years for an associate’s degree and 50-60 percent in six years for undergraduate degrees. Here’s the problem: The data is not actionable…



The top 7 programming languages to learn in 2018
programming languages

Software development is a dynamic field. New programming languages, frameworks and technologies can emerge, become popular, and then fade away in the course of a few years. Developers need to constantly be learning new skills to stay relevant. At Coding Dojo, we’re continually evaluating which programming languages are in high…



3 best practices from VR implementation across departments

While many professors recognize virtual reality (VR) as an emerging classroom technology, some still struggle with how to incorporate it into their curriculum.

Most institutions developing online programs have it all wrong—here’s how to do it right

Most higher education institutions developing online courses and programs have it all wrong. Every day, we speak to universities that are looking to launch new online-learning initiatives, and many of these conversations start with the same question: “How do we put these courses online?” By asking a few initial questions…

Higher One Launches VendorPay for Colleges and Universities

Campus Intelligence integrates student experience data to answer key questions for institutional effectiveness [Denver, CO – November 8, 2012] – ... Read more

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