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October 26, 2017
Good morning, !*firstname*!–check out these top stories online!
Professor: My biggest problem with online teaching
online classroom

Depending on where I am teaching, I have varying levels of input and control over online course design. In a face-to-face classroom, I have complete control over material and the setting of learning. I am confident about information the students receive and the structure they receive it in. Essentially, I…

Video: 3 ways to battle digital distraction in the classroom
digital distractions

Digital devices put the world at our students' fingertips, whether with their own cell phones or with school-provided computers and tablets. But along with opportunities for powerful learning come the risks--and realities--of distraction. So, what are the best ways to manage digital distraction in the classroom? Check out these practical…

Predicting the next 20 years in higher ed reveals 5 major themes

Higher education in the U.S. is facing unprecedented challenges. Long viewed as an engine for success, recent surveys show a partisan erosion in that faith in higher ed. This erosion of trust, coupled with significant demographic shifts and growing costs, are fueling national debates over the purpose, value, and funding…

5 ways to apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to edtech for better outcomes

According to American psychologist Abraham Maslow, all humans have the same fundamental needs (food, clothing and shelter), and these needs must be met before an individual is motivated to look beyond these basic needs. This motivational theory is commonly referred to as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

2 reasons why blockchain tech has big, tangible implications for higher ed

Sure, we’ve all heard of bitcoin and how cryptocurrencies could revolutionize the way we conduct business online. You’ve probably seen the topic buzzing around on LinkedIn feeds or in just about any recent article touting future technology predictions. While many of us may not be making important purchases in bitcoin…

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