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March 04, 2016
Notre Dame selects OneCampus to host insideND online community
onecampus rsmart

The University of Notre Dame has selected OneCampus from rSmart, an Internet2 NET+ offering, to modernize the way students, faculty, and staff access campus services, information and applications from any device. The cloud-based OneCampus will serve as the platform for insideND, the university’s online community, when it is retired later…

How research universities are pulverizing low graduation rates
low-income graduates

An “innovation alliance” founded two years ago is now on track to graduate almost 100,000 additional students on top of the national average within the next decade. And perhaps even more innovative, the Alliance's research universities have also increased the proportion of degrees awarded to low-income students by three percentage… announces Higher Education Data Architecture
data-x-lehigh, the philanthropic arm of Salesforce, announced its Higher Education Data Architecture (HEDA), which provides the foundation for the connected campus—aiming to empower institutions of all sizes to connect with students, alumni, faculty and staff in new ways.

The future of textbooks looks like this

Faculty and students may still prefer print to digital, but spikes in print costs, as well as a demand for personalization, is pushing digital textbooks and course materials to the implementation forefront. But are any faculty really going digital? Which content distributors will thrive? What are the implementation concerns? And…

STEM crisis quickly becoming an IT problem

According to recent data, Gen Z demands that devices and software—and the support required to use them—be woven into their daily lives; yet, most of this digital native generation has no interest in having an IT career.

Research: Social media has negative impact on academic performance

Perusing Facebook, sending rapid-fire text messages, and tweeting back and forth with friends and celebrities alike might not be the best academic strategy, it turns out.


SPECIAL REPORT: Managing Apple Devices in Higher Ed
Brought to you by: JAMF Software
The special report features:
  • How Apple products can scale to any size institution
  • Easy ways to transition your OS and minimize data loss
  • Strategies to reduce overhead and maintenance costs
  • And more!


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