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February 19, 2018
Good morning, !*firstname*!–check out these top stories online!
3 ways to use tech to award more scholarships (part 1)

In today’s world, finding students to award scholarships seems like it should be a very easy task. There are obviously a lot of students in need of financial assistance to help with their education. However, the reality is that finding students to award scholarships to is a huge challenge for…



How to improve faculty and staff onboarding in higher ed

The hiring and onboarding processes can be extremely complex for colleges and universities. Higher-education institutions often bring in hundreds of new employees every year—from professors to student workers to administrators to dining service personnel. Hiring and onboarding these employees can involve dozens of hiring managers across various departments and multiple…



Why universities need to prioritize network management
network management

Technological advances have created unsurpassed strains on the networks of higher education institutions, especially research facilities. Universities and colleges need to stay competitive by offering exceptional online services (digital textbooks, online courses, etc.) and providing an “always accessible” experience for students—especially those conducting in-depth research projects. This becomes more challenging…

Most institutions developing online programs have it all wrong—here’s how to do it right

Most higher education institutions developing online courses and programs have it all wrong. Every day, we speak to universities that are looking to launch new online-learning initiatives, and many of these conversations start with the same question: “How do we put these courses online?” By asking a few initial questions…

3 ways to improve student retention
student retention

Higher education is at a crossroads. Today, only half of students who enter college in the U.S. actually complete their degree within six years. Many first-generation college students are dropping out. Research shows it’s not just about financial aid and grades—it’s about making students feel connected to the institution, including…

How a student-loved technology helps a university with financial aid

In 2014, Western Union made a surprising discovery when surveying millennials about their financial habits: More than 20 percent of them had never written a check. This may seem unusual to those of us from older generations. After all, many of us have used checks as our primary way of…

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