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July 26, 2018
Good morning, !*firstname*!–check out these top stories online!
Campuses race to keep up with students’ bandwidth demands
wifi bandwidth

College students are eager for more bandwidth and connectivity on campus, according to an annual report measuring higher ed's internet offerings. One in three schools offer 7GB bandwidth or more, while 72 percent offer 1GB or more--an almost three-fold increase since 2012, the ACUHO-I 2018 State of ResNet Report reveals. …


[The Digital Marketing Guide for Higher Ed] Learn how to navigate the higher ed marketing landscape, improve digital marketing strategy and operations across the campus, and build a center of excellence. Download to learn more.


The single biggest mistake universities make when going online

U.S. News and World Report recently published its ranking of the best online MBA programs. The list featured 284 schools with online master’s degree programs in business administration. In December 2017, this number was 251, meaning 33 new online MBA programs were launched in the past six months! It’s an…


What is Mindful Technology? Hiram College Integrated It and Shares their Success Story

Hiram College in Ohio found two ways to integrate mindfulness and technology into their students' lives: not only becoming Ohio’s first four-year college to implement a 1-to-1 initiative; but transforming the educational experience for graduate and professional students with a redesigned curriculum delivery system. Their story shares how they financed these projects and how these initiatives are impacting their ultimate goals.


Experts say we’re approaching a third wave of higher-ed reform

As the global economy changes and demands more highly-skilled workers, some experts are tracking what they call a third wave of postsecondary education reform focused on making sure graduates have career-long alignment between their education and the job market.


One Ohio College Transforms Educational Experiences using Mindful Technology

Ohio's Hiram College implemented two projects that combined mindfulness and technology into their students' lives. The first allowed Hiram to become the first four-year college in Ohio to implement a 1-to-1 initiative. The second affected the way graduate and professional students accessed curriculum. Learn more about the details of these two initiatives, including how they were financed and how they have helped Hiram achieve their ultimate goals.


8 college presidents on “the best leadership advice I’ve ever received”

eCampus News asked higher-ed leaders: What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten about leadership? Here are their answers. 

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