Over the last two decades, higher education has increased its reliance on online learning as a mechanism for increasing its reach, growing enrollment, and containing costs. For some…
Many college enrollment leaders and administrators are thinking of engaging in the previously prohibited practice of recruiting students committed to or already attending other institutions, according to a…
According to Babson Survey Research Group, nearly 33 percent of college students are taking at least one course online. As online higher education continues to evolve and gain…
Today’s universities measure student learning outcomes (SLOs) through in-class assessments targeting the micro and macro level of a learner’s knowledge acquisition. At the micro level, these assessments take…
A new federally-funded and ambitious initiative aims to explore the use of blockchain technology in higher education. The American Council on Education (ACE) has received funding from the…
A Maryland community college is gearing up to launch a start-up business accelerator for student entrepreneurs. Montgomery College’s Workforce Development and Continuing Education (WDCE) Program will offer a…
Step into any K-12 classroom and chances are the students will at one point during the day be engaged with technology using a computer, tablet, or other device.…
In Colorado, digital badging is on the rise. The Colorado Community College System (CCCS) has built badging initiatives around technical math, advanced manufacturing, and healthcare and the badges…
In an ever-changing global workforce, today's students are developing skills to make them productive members of tomorrow's workforce. Perhaps one of the most important skills they'll learn is…